What is My Carbon Footprint?

A whopping 5,2 tonnes Co2 eq a year! That’s the average Montenegrin’s total carbon footprint which includes the emissions from your home, car, air travel and everything you use and purchase.
A carbon footprint is defined as:
A measure of our impact on the environment and climate change. It’s the total amount of greenhouse gases produced to support human activities (directly and indirectly), expressed in tons of carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2).
More simply said: All our daily activities —when heating a house, watching TV, cooking, working, holidaying, driving a car or flying cause CO2 and other emissions. When you drive your car, the engine burns fuel which then creates a certain amount of CO2, depending on the driving distance and its fuel consumption. When you heat your house with oil, gas or coal, or even electricity you also generate CO2. When you purchase food and goods, their production also emitted certain quantities of CO2.
Therefore, Your carbon footprint is the sum of all Co2 emissions which were induced by your activities. Usually a carbon footprint is calculated for the time period of one year.
We all produce surprisingly high emissions of CO2 in everyday life thus contributing to climate change.
Want to reduce your individual carbon footprint?
There are many things each of us, can do to reduce our carbon footprint by slightly changing our daily habits - including reducing our energy consumption, choosing to travel in a sustainable way, and being conscious of the products and services we purchase. Calculate your carbon footprint here.
There is an option for reducing your individual carbon footprint.
You can get partway to carbon neutrality through how you live your life and how you use resources, and then reduce your carbon footprint by supporting carbon compensation projects in Montenegro.
Everyone has a responsibility to reduce their individual carbon footprint, and there are many other ways to do so. We encourage everyone to re think their lifestyle decisions and find opportunities to reduce their environmental impact.
We encourage visitors to Montenegro to leave a small carbon footprint, to the benefit of local communities and environments. Carbon compensation program has become an increasingly popular option for many people.