GHG Emissions from Tourism sector
Greenhouse gasses are main cause for change of climate. While tourism sector is not primary emitter, such as energy, transport or industry, for the developed tourism destinations such as Montenegro, development of climate friendly tourism products and services is high priority. In order to define baseline at sectorial level, TCNT project developed one off comprehensive methodology for emissions calculations for the sector, including accommodation services, transport and waste. The methodology received international verification, given the grade of reasonable level of assurance, which proves high quality of calculations. Baseline data were calculated for 2014, while total direct emissions from the sector were 87.079 ktCO2e.
In the calculating period 2014-2017, vast majority of tourism sector emissions originated from transport for the tourists coming to Montenegro. Approximately 20% of GHG emissions come from in-country tourism activities: accommodation, in country transport and waste management.
While there is trend of slight increase of the sectorial carbon footprint, the rationale behind is permanent tourism growth – increase of main paraments, i.e. tourism arrivals, overnight stays and share of tourism in total GDP. Emissions from accommodation sector exceeded 50%, confirming high mitigation potential. One-third of total in country emissions are from transport. Based on the established trends, TCNT Project defined public calls for investment co-financing for hotels and non-motorized transport in order to halt further rise of the tourism sector GHG emissions and keep these at the baseline level.
Finally, project supported development of sectorial Measurement, Reporting and Verification system, in order to create efficient mechanisms for data quality assurance and quality control.